Company name: AKEO PLUS
Legal form: Simplified Joint Stock Company (Société par actions simplifiées)
Share capital: 33 050 euros
Headquarters address: 769 rue de l’Outarde, 01500, Château-Gaillard, France
VAT identification number: FR44491538716
Email address :
Telephone number : +33 (0)4 74 35 60 72
The website is hosted by : OVH, whose headquarters are located at the following address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
The host can be contacted at the following telephone number: +33 9 72 10 10 07.
The data collected and processed by the site are exclusively hosted and processed in France.
Our terms and conditions : here
AKEO PLUS has created this site for the personal information of its users. No commercial use, even partial, of the data presented on this site may be made without the prior written consent of AKEO PLUS.
The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which AKEO PLUS is the owner. No reproduction and/or representation, in part or in whole, may be made without the prior written consent of AKEO PLUS.
The name AKEO PLUS is a common name shared with our clients and partners. The names AKEOBOT, AkeoBI, AKEOSPINE, the logos and the slogans are, unless otherwise specified, registered trademarks of AKEO PLUS. Any reproduction, use and/or modification of these without the prior written consent of AKEO PLUS may constitute an infringement.
The drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound, and other documents represented on this website are subject to industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, as the case may be, the property of AKEO PLUS or of third parties who have given AKEO PLUS limited permission to use them.
As such, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation, and/or transformation, whether partial or complete, or transfer to another site is prohibited.
Copying for private use of these different objects of rights is authorised. Reproduction in whole or in part without the prior written consent of AKEO PLUS is strictly forbidden, with the exception of reproduction for press purposes.
Conception and design of the website by Terros agency: 40 Rue de Liège, 75008 Paris, France.
Content and pictures by AKEOPLUS.
Graphics and pictures: AKEOPLUS, Maxime MOTISI, Coralie RAVENOT, UNICEF / Dhiraj Singh, Mat Napo / Unsplash, Reimund Bertrams / Pixabay, Rob Lambert, Starline / Freepick, fuyu liu / shutterstock