AKEOPLUS experts have been selected by the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region to support the region’s companies in their “Industry of the Future” project. The region and state co-finance up to 50% of a maximum of €32,000 in costs for consulting services, proofs of concept, expert analyses, and studies, i.e. a maximum grant of €16,000.

Following these analyses, our end-to-end support through AKEOPLUS Partner allows you to launch the industrialization phase of your project without delay!

Intelligent systems IIOT - BIG DATA – AI

Our team of experts intervenes in the pre-project phase, drawing on extensive industrial experience to technically and economically de-risk the investments.

Data visualization and cloud supervision helps team to have high-performance
  • Our mastery of the complete digital chain (from sensor/electronics to the Cloud) allows us to address multiple sectors and uses in order:
    To audit existing systems and identify missing data in order to homogenize the information and make it more reliable
  • To implement a strategy for capturing standardized and structured machine data for the implementation of new processes and decision support tools (AI),
  • To provide advice and development of electronics/sensors to connect existing products and structure a new associated business model,
  • To accompany the implementation of an Edge architecture to optimize the sending of data and local use of low-level algorithms. In particular to form the links between the information systems (IS/IT) and the operating systems via industrial protocols (OPC UA/Ethernet-IP/TCP-IP, etc.).

Advanced simulation tools for performance

Based on our mastery of a range of digital simulation tools, our expertise can be tailored to the needs and constraints of each activity.

Thanks to our mastery of the technologies involved in the operating and control parts, coupled with our capacities to treat design and simulation in numerical environments, we are able to provide comprehensive service upstream of the project, in order:

  • To visualize and understand the overall functioning of a system, a line, or a plant,
  • To measure and quantify the unit performance of the constituent sub-assemblies,
  • To present the optimizations, improvements, and transformations allowing to increase the performances,
  • To validate each function individually and globally in terms of accessibility, performance, and size,
  • To adjust equipment designs and implementations proactively in order to foresee issues and ensure maximum performance even before the first equipment enters into operation.

Predictive maintenance for the industry of the future

Data production, predictive maintenance.
Whether you are a start-up looking for a distinctive value add, an SME wishing to cut operating costs, or a large group seeking to boost your digital twins, predictive maintenance is a new revenue streams and decisive competitive advantages.

Our expertise services allow us to support companies seeking:

  • To reduce maintenance costs and spare parts inventory,
  • To optimize production costs, especially by reducing downtime and energy consumption and increasing OEE,
  • To gain predictive accuracy with AI and ensure data quality and security,
  • To embed intelligence in machines/products and interact with decentralized tools and interfaces.

Robotics and automation

For AKEOPLUS, data processing, automation, and robotics are our historic areas of expertise. The addition of sensors (2D/3D vision) and our agnostic approach towards proprietary equipment and environments allow us to simplify systems and make them adaptive and scalable.

With 15 years of experience serving customers in a variety of sectors, from aeronautics to the automotive industry, plastics, and pharmaceuticals, we
offer our expertise for projects in :

  • Conventional and collaborative robotics,
  • Mobile robotics (AGV/AIV/AMR),
  • 2D/3D control (3D model, Deep Learning, etc.),
  • Process operations (gluing, screwing, crimping, welding, etc.),
  • Finishing operations (deburring, sanding, polishing, etc.),
  • Part handling operations (assembly, palletization, kitting, etc.),
  • Machine loading/unloading (presses, CNC, oven, etc.).

A project? A need for support? A question?
Let’s talk about your project!